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International Quantum Hub

As part of the implementation of Denmark's quantum strategy and strategy for tech diplomacy, an International Quantum Hub has been established to consolidate the efforts of Danish authorities in international quantum cooperation. Its purpose is to position Denmark prominently on the international quantum stage and to ensure progress in new cooperation agreements, bilaterally, multilaterally, and regionally within the EU and the Nordic countries, as well as with key research institutions and companies in the quantum technologies field. To the benefit of the Danish quantum eco-system.

Denmark's bilateral cooperation in quantum technology aim to enhance Danish strengths and promote strategic efforts with partner countries. They reflect shared ambitions and commitments on quantum science and technology and the priorities we have defined. These agreements have a focus on research, commercialization, security, and policy exchange. Denmark has entered into quantum-specific Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with:

The International Quantum Hub, not only reinforces Denmark’s commitment to leading in quantum innovation, but also sets a dynamic and collaborative tone for a secure and sustainable future in quantum technology, globally.